The origin

In the year 2001, Dr. Bharati Chawathe seized the right moment and the right place to establish the spring counselling and psychotherapy centre, nestled in the heart of khar, Mumbai. Her conviction was simple: the most powerful catalyst for positive change lies in nurturing individual growth and hope. This belief found its roots in a profound Zen saying - "spring will come and grass will grow."

A blossoming journey

With unwavering commitment, Dr. Chawathe built a thriving practice that offered a wide spectrum of services, including sessions, assessments, study circles, therapy groups, and self-awareness programs. Over time, the center evolved into a personal development haven—a realm of understanding and self-acceptance. Even in the face of the global pandemic, Spring seamlessly transitioned to the new normal of online counselling via electronic devices.

The Listening Room

Established in 2023, The Listening Room, or TLR, is a sanctuary for being heard. It's an online platform designed to make counselling easily accessible via phones, tablets, and laptops—the very devices that have become the epicenter of human interactions.

TLR provides a secure online listening space that encourages individuals and groups to reconnect with their authentic selves, foster self-acceptance, enhance daily functionality, discover their uniqueness, and unleash their potential to positively impact their surroundings. The TLR counselors are adept at active listening, guided by empathy, acceptance, and deep understanding, all underpinned by a profound understanding of psychology.

A global community

Today, Spring boasts a team of over 25 counselors, serving more than 2700 clients across 20 countries. With over 65,000 hours of counselling and educational workshops, a strong and supportive community emerged. All these experiences coalesced to birth the "Spring Method," a unique blend of assessments, sessions, study circles, therapy groups, and self-awareness programs, highly effective in nurturing emotional and cognitive well-being.

The turning point

Nearly two decades later, amidst an unprecedented global crisis, the spring team evaluated the vast trove of data from their collective counselling experiences. They sought to answer a fundamental question—what sets spring apart? The results rekindled their dedication to their method and paved the way for a new venture—The Listening Room.

The elephant inspiration

TLR draws inspiration from the mighty elephant, symbolizing unity and safety. Just as elephant herds protect each member, TLR believes in fostering a community where active listening is our strength—a core value that forms the bedrock of empathy and understanding. like the elephant, our chosen mascot, we are committed to walking together toward the common goal of bringing about positive change by investing in our individual growth.

Why listening room?



Years of




Hours of

Dr Bharati Chawathe


Bharati has a Ph. D. in Psychology and a degree in Education Management along with diploma in Higher Education from Bombay University.

She started as a lecturer, in Bhavan’s college and later moved on to teach at the Post Graduation Department of the University.

In 1996 she became the Head - Post - Graduation Department of Education Management in Janaki Devi Bajaj Institution of Management Studies. She has been a Consultant and a Visiting faculty at various departments at universities, hospitals, NGos and corporates in past.

Her research experience is from her personal research work and the project guidance that she has extended on different areas ranging from management of human resource to organizational development exercises to system development exercises.

She established SPRING as a counselling and psychotherapy centre in September 2001