Frequently asked questions

We're here to answer all your questions and provide the clarity you need. Your curiosity is welcome, and we're dedicated to guiding you every step of the way.

What are the services offered by you ?

A. Individual Counselling

B. Group Counselling

C. Corporate Counselling

D. Counsellor Training

This is a talk therapy approach where the counsellor helps the client assess and address mental health issues

A minimum of 5 sessions

INR 10,000 for 5 sessions

Our backend team will send you a payment link.

Yes, the charges for all the five sessions are paid in advance from you to start sessions wit our counsellor

Yes, after deducting the amount for actual sessions taken, the amount will be refunded to your account

We conduct 5 sessions online with the client so as to help him/ her assess and address his emotional or behavioural issues

There are different schools of thoughts that we take help from while conducting the sessions.

  • Client - centered theory by Carl Roger
  • Gestalt theory by Frederick Perls
  • Psychodrama by J. Moreno
  • Transactional analysis by Eric Berne
  • Psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud
  • Analytical psychology of Carl Jung
  • Eric Erickson's theory on stages of development along with
  • Abraham Maslow's theory of hierarchy of needs and
  • existential humanistic theory

The process of identification of the issue is the same. Once we assess then the concerned issue will take different approach on case to case basis

Yes. It usually requires long term counselling, depending upon the intensity of the issue

Coaching requires a lot of readiness to take responsibility of the concerns and active approach. Whereas, counselling is slower approach and we wait till client gets ready to solve his problem area

Our counsellors are well trained and experienced in this profession

You will be meeting the same counsellor once you are allocated with the counsellor

We begin with 5 sessions and you can extend the sessions if required

It is not possible to define the time window. It is up to the client to make that call after few milestones are achieved

We have been testing our method for 25 years and it is found to be effective by many of our clients (We have an audit done by external party for the effectivity of our counselling processes … see more)

The counsellors sign an agreement of non – disclosure with the company

How experienced are the counsellors and the clinic

We conducted a research study with our clients during recent pandemic and it has been proved very effective.

Our office is at khar west, mumbai

We do not give any guarantee, however, our client testimony is safe explanatory

We do not give any guarantee, sometimes under stress of similar nature that you have gone in past, the issues may resurface and we have to restart the process

We will try to keep your request for the same counsellor in mind. Based on availability and the nature of your issue, counsellors are allocated

No. We suggest a psychiatrist or other medical professional for the medication

No. Unless, there is any emergency and we have to speak with them

Let's start
a conversation
it will help you
feel better!

Kindly fill the below form to process your assessment!

Want to get to know yourself better?
Let's do a small assessment!

This will help us identifying the issue that you are facing or areas you'd like to explore.

1. Have you experienced any recent life changes or stressful events?
2. Have you noticed any significant changes in your mood or emotions?
3. Do you frequently feel sad, anxious, irritable, or emptiness?
4. Have you experienced any changes in your appetite or weight or insomnia or excessive sleep?
5. Do you engage in any self-destructive behaviours (e.g., self-harm)?
6. Have you been experiencing difficulties with your memory, concentration, or decision-making?
7. Do you have recurrent negative thoughts or persistent worries?
8. Have you noticed any significant changes in your social behaviour or in maintaining your relationships?
9. Have you noticed any changes in your energy levels or motivation?
10. Do you use any substances (alcohol, drugs, etc.) to cope with your emotions or mental state?

Meet the Listeners!

These are our compassionate and highly skilled psychologists at The Listening Room. They are here to lend an empathetic ear, offer expert guidance, and help you on your path to personal growth and well-being.