Want to get to know yourself better?
Let's do a small assessment!

This will help us identifying the issue that you are facing or areas you'd like to explore.

Want to get to know yourself better?
Let's do a small assessment!

This will help us identifying the issue that you are facing or areas you'd like to explore.

1. Have you experienced any recent life changes or stressful events?
2. Have you noticed any significant changes in your mood or emotions?
3. Do you frequently feel sad, anxious, irritable, or emptiness?
4. Have you experienced any changes in your appetite or weight or insomnia or excessive sleep?
5. Do you engage in any self-destructive behaviours (e.g., self-harm)?
6. Have you been experiencing difficulties with your memory, concentration, or decision-making?
7. Do you have recurrent negative thoughts or persistent worries?
8. Have you noticed any significant changes in your social behaviour or in maintaining your relationships?
9. Have you noticed any changes in your energy levels or motivation?
10. Do you use any substances (alcohol, drugs, etc.) to cope with your emotions or mental state?